Consciousness Combines Neural Functions and Behavior Chaining (Science Is Lovable 44 of 72)

Consciousness Combines Neural Functions and Behavior Chaining (Science Is Lovable 44 of 72)

Consider the covert verbal behavior that constitutes the common kind of purely neural behavior that we call thinking. This opens the path to seeing consciousness combine brain processes and behavior chaining. We often use the term thinking to describe this kind of covert neural verbal behavior, but we recognize that thinking need not be verbal, and happens in other sense modes as well. Ever find some piece of music playing “inside your head?”

A Scientific View Considers Animal Consciousness (Science Is Lovable 39 of 72)

A Scientific View Considers Animal Consciousness (Science Is Lovable 39 of 72)

The development of the natural science of behavior, including the rise of its philosophy of science that we call behavioral naturalism, led to an increasing interest in answering long–standing human questions like those surrounding consciousness. Scientists began dealing with some of the difficulties in dealing with notions like “awareness” and “self awareness” scientifically.