Behavior Passivity and Where to Next (Mysteries of Living 72 of 72)

Behavior Passivity and Where to Next (Mysteries of Living 72 of 72)

Behavior passivity refers to the nature of behavior, all behavior, including all human behavior, of any type or level of complexity. Like all real events in nature, on this planet, in this universe, behavior is natural, that is, it comprises natural events. It is an inevitable reaction.

Science Supports Dignified Dying (Science Is Lovable 57 of 72)

Science Supports Dignified Dying (Science Is Lovable 57 of 72)

The behaviorological analysis of the contingencies surrounding protracted dying prompts new science–based practices related to ethics, person/body death, the easing of the bereavement of survivors, and especially the managing of the social–death experience in ways that reduce its negative impact for both the dying and survivors. A thorough discussion of such practices belongs to other more detailed sources (e.g., Prof. Fraley’s book on Dignified Dying…). Meanwhile this column emphasizes reducing the negative impact of the social–death experience.

Science Recognizes Three Kinds of Death (Science Is Lovable 55 of 72)

Science Recognizes Three Kinds of Death (Science Is Lovable 55 of 72)

The discussions in this column avoid the order in which the three kinds of death usually occur across the extended time span of a terminal illness. In that order, when the three types of death occur slowly, social death usually occurs first, followed by person death, and then by body death.