Behavior Passivity and Where to Next (Mysteries of Living 72 of 72)

Behavior Passivity and Where to Next (Mysteries of Living 72 of 72)

Behavior passivity refers to the nature of behavior, all behavior, including all human behavior, of any type or level of complexity. Like all real events in nature, on this planet, in this universe, behavior is natural, that is, it comprises natural events. It is an inevitable reaction.

The Law of Cumulative Complexity (Mysteries of Living 21 of 72)

The Law of Cumulative Complexity (Mysteries of Living 21 of 72)

We have expanded into some details about the natural laws governing behavior. This includes forays into respondent behavior and conditioning, and operant behavior and conditioning. Our various examples have begun to show the range and depth, that is, the complexity, of our human behavior and its causes, its independent variables. The complexity even extends to the application of these laws in interventions that can help solve local and global problems.